Thursday, February 21, 2019

Life After College

It was just this summer I was wondering what I want to do with my degree after  I receive it. At that point, I had no idea. (I'm going for English and a lot of people think you can only go into academia with an English degree but they are wrong.) I think I was just responding to some sore of schooling fatigue or something because I was telling a professor that "maybe I'll just get a part-time job to pay my student loans" and be done with it.

Well, I think I've found my career path, everybody! I want to be a proofreader/editor! Sounds exciting, doesn't it! "No, that sounds boring and unglamorous.", I hear you say. Well, of course it doesn't if you don't relish the ability to fix other people's typos. Or get excited to help other people's stories flow better when you find the part where they forgot to tell the reader a crucial detail of the plot. It may not sound exciting to you but it does to me and that's what matters!

Here's where I need your help though. I need practice and experience to get in the door. So, if you're writing your memoir or self-publishing a novel or know someone who is, let me know and we can work something out (I don't work for exposure, people die of exposure).

Also, don't forget to throw me a coffee using the button on the right, if you're so inclined. I've still got tuition to pay.


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